Fulfill your mission as a leader.

As a leader, you might feel stuck: burnout, poor relationships, a lack of time. But you want to achieve the mission, purpose, or vision God has given you. To get to the next level of high performance and vulnerability, get personalized coaching sessions led by Southern California-based executive coach Dennis Del Valle.

Find a healthy balance for work and life with a coach.

Too many growth activities are one-time workshops or seminars, largely experienced as impersonal fluff. But like other things in life, real transformation requires a dedicated guide—someone devoted to getting to know you and your unique strengths and challenges. If you’re a business owner, leader, or young professional who feels stuck and ready to achieve more in your career and your life, it’s time to reach your true potential.

Executive coaching can help you do more, better.

Start with a 360º assessment from your peers and coworkers. Better understand your strengths and weaknesses, your gifts and the stressors that lead you away from maximizing your potential.

Get feedback about what’s working and where you have room to grow. Brené Brown writes in Dare to Lead, “Mastery requires feedback.” I can help you master your professional and personal life by getting to the truth with direct and honest accountability.

Make small wins that make huge progress in your organization and life. You can make it happen, even within your chaotic schedule.

Get coaching from anywhere you want to grow.

I lead coaching sessions and multiple groups in person in Southern California, as well as virtually online.

Want to navigate life’s challenges with a better map? Take the TPRAT.

Navigating life’s complexities can often feel as confusing as driving through Los Angeles’ infamous freeway system. Just as one needs a reliable GPS to traverse this network, we also need effective tools to understand and manage our personal and relational dynamics. The Townsend Personal and Relational Assessment Tool (TPRAT) offers such guidance by identifying where we stand in four key life capacities: Attachment, Separation, Integration, and Adulthood.

Read more on the blog

About Dennis Del Valle

I help people move beyond challenges with vulnerability, relationships, and engagement.

By the way, it’s pronounced Del-vah-yay. If you’d like to book me for speaking engagements, let’s talk.

  • Dennis Del Valle received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Biola University, majoring in Biblical Studies (1992). He went on to Azusa Pacific University for a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology (1997). He received his Educational Specialist credential from California State University, Long Beach (2002).

  • Dennis is a Fellow at the Townsend Institute for Leadership and Counseling and a Director for the Townsend Leadership Program. In addition, Dennis does leadership consulting with companies and has worked with churches developing their small group discipleship programs. Dennis has been a facilitator and speaker for the Cloud-Townsend conferences for the last 12 years.

    Dennis offers executive coaching and leadership training. He has a special interest in the difficult dynamics of family business. Dennis has a private counseling practice in Long Beach, California.

    Dennis has a great passion in the area of group process, group dynamics, and experiential techniques. He speaks and facilitates groups around the country, training licensed and lay counselors.

    Dennis spent 14 years serving in the public school system. He started as a school counselor and later worked as a Special Education teacher working with students with various disabilities (e.g., autism, learning disabilities, hearing loss, conduct disorder).

  • In his personal life, Dennis enjoys spending time with his daughter and son. He and his wife Kimber have been married for 25 years.

“The trainings Dennis provides for our organization add so much value, not only to our team, but also to the clients that we serve. … In fact, one of my teammates sent me this email about Dennis’ teaching just the other day, ‘I have seen noticeable growth in our groups since implementing Dennis’ teachings. I feel more effective and less stressed leading my groups now.’”

— Tricia Collins, Child Bridge

“He has helped me grow relationally, personally, and professionally in significant ways. I am very grateful for him, and recommend him highly for anyone who is seeking intentional growth in his/her life.’”

— Justin Spicer, Empower

“‘I’m confident I can make you a better leader, a better husband, father and help you earn more money.’ Quite the pitch to make to a sales guy, but that’s how Dennis responded when I asked him what he thought he could help me with. … Best investment I’ve made! … The monthly investment I’ve made in my growth has multiplied 10x fold including next-leveling my income just in my second year of TLP as Dennis and the group dynamic helped me remove the obstacles that were holding me back. I’m a believer in Dennis and TLP!”

— Brian Court, DHD

Group coaching

Not interested in individual coaching? Work with a group of like-minded leaders.

Through my decade-plus experience and resources from the Townsend Leadership Program (TLP), you’ll discover how to be more present, more vulnerable, and more able to achieve the level of performance you crave.

  • Each group meets for an entire year. This is important because it can take a while for members to connect to each other and explore the deep areas of their lives.

  • Each member meets with their homework partner as well as with me to dive into the details of what individuals are struggling with. We can meet by phone, in person, or by video, whichever is most convenient for you.

  • Homework sounds like a drag. But it’s crucial to work through the material in between monthly meetings because it will help you further explore and process the feelings and areas required to reach your full potential.


Want me to speak to your team or group? Let’s talk.

I’ve given talks to teams, businesses, conferences, and church groups all over the country. Some topics include:

  • Having good boundaries

  • Family businesses and succession

  • Effective feedback and confrontation

  • Building effective teams

  • Vulnerability and leadership

Process group and experiential training

Explore process groups and experiential training.

Process groups and experiential training is a powerful tool to provide people with the skills they need to be vulnerable and honest with themselves and others. In a process group, people can share their thoughts and feelings openly, without judgment, and learn from each other.

This type of environment facilitates greater self-awareness and understanding for how a person’s actions affect others. Experiential training develops the skills we all need to be effective and whole.

See how executive coaching can transform your life today.